




内容提供者:越敏、立夏、eno、Joe、脑八、天琦、张久我、何珊、Tony Yet

Topic: Map

Editor-in-chief: Tian Qi

Associate Editor: He Shan

Contents Provided by: Yue Min, Leilei Xia, eno, Joe, Brain 8, Tian Qi, Zhang Jiu I, He Shan, Tony Yet

Folding Map

越敏 Catbox


It’s a heavy shadow of three layers of maps overlaid on top of each other, characters, poems, and origami. Letters are slapped flat on the paper, stacked into mountains and rocks, and sparsely followed into rivers and depressions. Poetry gives index, origami folds space. The map here relies on this action of our walking, guided by some vague rules into a fluid form. If the destination is open, the question arises as to how the logic between this step and the next is taken up, progressed, broken. Origami is the egg, the two-dimensional map returns to a three-dimensional topography. Together with the poems and images, I hope it will give you more inspiration when building your own rules of action.

结与魔法地图 Knotty Magic Map

立夏 Leilei Xia



This booklet is the product of an Icosahedron workshop on “knots and magic”, a technology and wisdom that has existed since the dawn of human civilization. It has different functions and symbolic meanings in different cultures, beliefs, sciences and technologies. In this workshop, 16 writers from China and the United States spent 3 weeks fictionalizing a continent where people believe in knots and need to work together to cope with a crisis. In the end, we made two big maps of 0.7m*1m: one side is the introduction of the workshop process; the other side is the wiki and stories about this continent, people’s either made-up or real word explanations, and various events; in this map, you can explore the wonderful journey emanating from the knots in different continents, and you can also follow different knots and clues to learn all kinds of cold knowledge about knots. What’s more, perhaps you can see some kind of possibility - to learn in a game or even a wild fantasy way.





It is an attempt to re-conceptualize maps by searching for their semantic boundaries. As a result, in addition to ontological reflections and research in the academic field of cartography, more space is given to Kohei Sugiura’s unique cartographic reflections and his exploration of Asian cosmology. This time, the focus is on opening up the imagination of maps, and there is a lack of explanation. If you are interested in the content, please feel free to discuss it with us.

「City System」



「City System」是一份城市游戏文档,来自于2003年的心理地理学活动「PSY-GEO-CONFLUX」。这份文档在结构上有点像性格测试,玩家在公共空间中观察特定的目标,在不同页码之间跳转,完成一次有随机性的散步。

The “City System” is a city game document from the 2003 psychogeographic event “PSY-GEO-CONFLUX”. The document is structured somewhat like a personality test, with players observing specific targets in a public space, jumping from page to page, and completing a randomized walk.





我把自己学到的地名知识记录在四张真实的地图上。句子顺着弯弯绕绕的路径延伸,当读图者如行路般前进、绕弯、折返时,看到旁边的真实地名,希望 ta 也会惊叹于地名的乐趣。

Maps are always dense with place names. People from different times and places named locations using words they knew and cared about. As Perec said: the dictionary is the memory of the whole human race. Then the map is the dictionary, the memories of mankind flattened out on this piece of paper.

I recorded what I learned about place names on four real maps. Sentences stretch along curving paths, and as the map reader moves forward, around corners, and back as if traveling a road, he or she sees the real place names next to them, and hopefully they will marvel at the fun of place names as well.




这是一份卡牌版的莫干山游记,记录了我初来陌生的莫干山,在山上寻宝,结识朋友,而后遭遇各种事件的故事。你需要阅读卡牌内容,根据提示拼接全部的地图以不断推进我上山寻宝的进程。所有卡牌牌面的内容制作均来自我的手机截屏(照片,备忘录和地图软件)。牌套是我手机的防水袋。手机是我探险过程中可靠的伙伴。我尝试通过这种记录来讨论好奇心 行动探索 与地图三者不断相互生成的关系,附件还包含一份真实的电子版藏宝图,我将十一个宝物小盒藏在了莫干山的某处,随地图可前往搜索。此外附送了一份藏宝物料(磁盒与签到纸)收到物料的订阅者可以尝试设计藏宝图让别人寻宝。

This is a card version of the Moganshan Travelogue, which chronicles my first visit to the unfamiliar Moganshan Mountain, where I hunted for treasure, made friends, and then encountered various events. You need to read the contents of the cards and follow the hints to put together the whole map in order to advance my treasure hunt on the mountain. All the contents of the decks were created from screenshots of my cell phone (photos, memos, and mapping software). The card sleeves are waterproof pouches for my cell phone. My cell phone is a reliable companion during my adventures. I try to discuss the relationship between curiosity, action, exploration, and maps through this documentation, and the attachment includes a real electronic treasure map of eleven treasure lockets I hid somewhere in the Moganshan Mountains, which can be searched with the map. In addition, a treasure material (magnetic box and sign-in sheet) is included. Subscribers who receive the material can try their hand at designing a treasure map for others to find.




游戏规则: 每人从代表点位的 6 张塔罗牌中抽取 3 张,去往六芒星顶点对应的长洲岛上的地点。拍一些照片,写一些文字,排版在边长为 140mm 的册子上。游戏时间: 2023 年 11 月 20 日 12:00-20:00

The Force



以绘图作为灵感,正在研究异端邪说的 Tony Yet手绘了一份地图, 记录了若干在20世纪下半叶流行于美国的新兴信仰团体,在查找资料过程中,Tony 发现当年许多《全球概览》的读者也是这些新兴信仰之追随者,甚至包括像鼠标发明人恩格尔巴特所在实验室里的很多人。这样的意外发现为 Tony 打开了全新的窗口,去窥探发生在半个多世纪前的往事。这些往事激起的涟漪,在当下的中国,亦引起了新的关注。欲知详情,可关注二十面体接下来要做的同题展览。

Inspired by the mapping, Tony Yet, who was researching heresies, drew a hand-drawn map of some of the emerging faith groups that became popular in the United States in the second half of the 20th century. In searching for the information, Tony discovered that many of the readers of The Global Survey were also followers of these emerging faiths, including many of those who worked in laboratories such as those of the inventor of the mouse, Engelbart. This unexpected discovery opened up a whole new window for Tony to look at events that happened more than half a century ago. The ripples of these events are now attracting new attention in China. For more information, check out Icosahedron’s upcoming exhibition on the same topic.
