2021/9 map posters and a booklet CNY 128

The third edition of the Icosa Magazine is themed the map is not the territory. It begins with the search for the historical underpinnings of the countercultural magazine the Whole Earth Catalog, which turns out to have significant contemporary resonances with China of today. We invited some 50 people to join an online workshop lasting eight weeks to learn about the history of the WEC and its later developments. What is the inquiry that drive the search for alternative lifestyle, in the 1960s and in today? That is the question that we want to find answers to with this special edition.

The Map is Not the Territory: Return to the Global Overview Site contains 1 booklet and 9 half-open double-sided posters. The content revolves around the hippie movement in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, and the closely related personal computer revolution. The 9 themes are “Back to the Scene”, “Weaving - Insight”, “From Communes to Intentional Communities to Around You and Me”, “Media, Information and Cybernetics”, “Sound and Nothingness”, “Reflections of Childhood”, “Riddles and Secrets of East and West”, “Spectator”, and “Hippie movements”.

This set of posters is the product of a 2.5-month online workshop titled “Return to the Global Overview Site” initiated by the Icosa Magazine and Inspiration Buyers Club in March 2021. 50 participants engaged in reading, investigating, researching, and discussing the book “Whole Earth Catalog”, a tool book spanning half a century. The entire process is documented at http://2021.accessto.tools/. The editing, design, content, production, and even folding and packaging of the posters were jointly completed by the workshop members.

The posters feature 17 selected theme presentations from the workshop. The content is also a collection of the pictures, links, and tool information shared by the presenters on the workshop website. These text and link information “tofu blocks” form the main body of the posters.

On the other side of the posters, excerpts and translations of the tool recommendations from each subsection of the 1971 edition of the “Last Whole Earth Catalog” are presented.

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《地图不是疆域:重返全球概览现场》包含1 本小册子和9 张半开双面海报,内容围绕美国6、70 年代的嬉皮士运动, 及与之紧密相连的个人计算机革命展开。9 个主题分别是“重返现场”、“编织- 洞见”、“从公社到意向性社区再到你我身边”、“媒介、信息与控制论”、“声与无”、“童年的倒影”、“东西方的谜与秘”、“Spectator”、“Hippie movements”。

这套海报是二十面体和灵感买家俱乐部于2021 年3 月发起的,为期2 个半月的线上工作坊“重返全球概览现场” 的产物。50 位参与者,围绕《全球概览》这本跨越半个世纪的工具书,阅读、调查、研究和讨论过程都记录在 http://2021.accessto.tools/ 。海报的编辑、设计、内容、制作、甚至折叠、包装,亦由工作坊成员共同完成。

海报精选了工作坊中的17 个主题分享,这些内容也是分享者们贴在工作坊网站上的贴图、链接、工具信息的串联。这些文本和链接信息“豆腐块”构成了海报的主体。

在海报的另一面,节选并翻译了1971 年版《全球概览》(Last Whole Earth Catalog)每一个子章节的工具推荐。

论电影院还为《地图不是疆域》制作了内含1971 年版 Whole Earth Catalog 原书页的《地球目录》手工书别册。地球目录是 Whole Earth Catalog 的另一个翻译名,它对 WEC 原版书进行切割,拆分为10 份,用木刻版画为其制作册子封面。内附两篇 DeepL 机器翻译的文章,分别是德国策展人 Anselm Franke 和 Diedrich Diederichsen 为展览图册《全球》所撰写的文章,《地球日出和外部的消失》和《流行音乐和反主流文化, 整个世界和现在》。2014 年, Anselm Franke 和 Diedrich Diederichsen 在德国策划了大型艺术展览 《全球》,展览同样基于对《全球概览》的研究,他们也曾经重返现场。