红色和黑色是中国大陆能买到的二手 RISO 机器上,原配的滚筒对应的两种颜色,也是最容易买到的国产替代油墨里最常见的两种颜色。这个颜色的使用习惯(当然还要加上蓝色),从油印机时代就开始形成:从油印的黑白传单,到 60-70 年代因最容易找到红黑两色油墨而做成的文革小报,再到 80-90 年代或手工誊写或打字机敲出的蜡纸印出来的黑色 / 蓝色通知和试卷…… RISO(即理想公司出品的此类数字孔版印刷机)这种技术沿着 80年代后沿海城市的技术引进及某种地域所对应的行业垄断——本地化堪用的替代性耗材和配件、二手便宜的机器就是这么来的——进入到我们的视野,开始继续印试卷、 印六合__彩广告…这就是我们日常生活的构件里最可见的视觉部分,红色和黑色。 

—— 子杰(复印info)

_Red and black are the two colors that correspond to the original rollers on second-hand RISO machines available in mainland China, and they are also the two most common colors in the most readily available domestically produced replacement inks. The habit of using this color (plus blue, of course) has been formed since the days of mimeographs: from black and white flyers printed in mimeographs, to the Cultural Revolution tabloids of the 60s and 70s, where red and black ink were the easiest to find, to the black/blue notices and test papers of the 80s and 90s, which were either hand-transcribed or typewritten on waxed paper… … the technology of the RISO (i.e. such digital perforated printing presses from RISO), along with the introduction of the technology in the coastal cities of the post-1980s and a sort of geographic monopoly of the industry - localized and available alternative consumables and accessories, second-hand cheap machines - came into view -entered the scene and began to print test papers and six-color advertisements … These are the most visible visual parts of the building blocks of our daily lives, the colors red and black. _

— Zijie (copyinfo)


Icosahedron 2024 First Issue Mailbag fa932727cde4ae31b795821e421c5e166106c63111c47d913769cd73963a2e57f374a8fdbbef&scene=21#wechat_redirect) to set the “red vs. black The title “Red and Black” came about because we borrowed the copyinfo RISO machine to Guangzhou, and the two colors presented a very specific printing limitation. After the release of the theme, the authors had half a month to explore it individually, and in the end, most of the 11 works in the mailbag, as well as the calendars co-created by the subscribers, were printed in red and black RISO.





Shan operating Zijie’s riso machine‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

This collection of many scattered works can be seen as a small exhibition. But it’s not just a matter of looking at it with your eyes, you need to get your hands on it and play with it in order to understand the wonders of it. It can be shared with friends anywhere, anytime, and the contents can be copied, distributed, and recreated (subject to the author’s Creative Commons agreement).

Such a portable, low-cost exhibition can only happen thanks to the support of every reader/creator. Each issue’s income and expenses are listed in the editorial back office. We overspent on the first issue of the new year, so we’re going to go ahead and sell 50 mailers and the 2024 wall calendar.

〉〉〉邮包内作品介绍 〉〉〉

岩湾甲巷乙号 **Yam Wan A Lane No. B **


Brain Eight & Cereal Beater


岩湾甲巷乙号是我老家住处的地址。小学时我们家在这块地皮上盖了一栋楼房,我在这儿住到17岁上大学。小我 9 岁的弟弟在这里出生,也一直住到他出去上大学。

现在我和弟弟在其他省份工作上学,岩湾甲巷乙号这个家在任何层面都上变得飘忽起来,我们对它的记忆也是。两人凭印象画出那里的客厅、餐厅、卧室,整体户型一样,而细节相似又有差异。我们在同一个家里度过不同的时间,记下不同的细节,正如双色的 riso 油墨并不精确地叠印在纸面上。


No. B, A Lane, Rock Bay is the address of my old family residence. When I was in elementary school, my family built a building on this plot of land, and I lived here until I was 17 years old and went to college. My younger brother, who is 9 years old, was born here and lived here until he went away to university.

Now that my brother and I are working and going to school in other provinces, the home of No. B, A Lane, Iwawan, has drifted away on every level, and so have our memories of it. The two of us drew the living room, dining room, and bedrooms there from our impressions; the overall floor plan was the same, while the details were similar and different. We spend different amounts of time in the same home, jotting down different details, just as the two-color riso ink does not precisely overprint the paper.

But these concepts and metaphors are not the most important. What matters is that my brother and I spent our childhood and adolescence here together, and that the spaces and objects that deviate while overlapping on the paper are the only two people who know what they mean, and the only two people who can draw like that.

距骨骰与神谕书  Talus Dice and the Oracle Book*


Tian Qi








Two talus dice, one oracle book.

The bones are painted red and black, and the oracle book is folded into a throw box.


Red symbolizes madness, black symbolizes fear

A one-player game where you are an oracle seeker. You need to avoid madness and fear and seek the oracle.

For a two-player game, you are the embodiment of madness and fear, the poles of destruction, manipulating the seeker’s talus dice and pulling him step by step into your abyss.

一次红与黑的色彩文字漫游 A colorful text romp through red and black

Adam & Pom






Before colors were calibrated in RGB or CMYK on screen or in print, they were communicated conveyed in words.

The first exploration of this was to print a number of short poems in different red/black ratios of color. As the color deepens, the mood imbued in the text itself seems to start getting heavier.

The second exploration was to investigate the ancient Chinese words for “red and black”, discovering many lost color words and finding related short stories along the way.

The third exploration was to create fictional color characters. On a card that can be folded in half, an image, a kanji imitating an oracle bone script, and a text are printed: dialogues, judgments, sound poems, fables, word images, phrases, ballads, and so on. Depending on what the text reveals, what state it is in, and what the image suggests, the particular color represented by the Chinese character is conveyed.

经血的颜色 Color of menstrual blood*


Xia Leilei



One period, just enough to draw a short story.

从“半江瑟瑟半江红”说起 **♪ From “Half the River, Half the River, Half the Red” ♪

Tony Yet



This is an invitation to a story derived from Bai Juyi’s “Twilight River Minstrelsy” is just a prelude, the story has just begun, and it is up to you to participate, and how, as to how the story will unfold.

仿 AI 绘图 Imitation of AI drawing

李经纬 Li Jingwei










  1. people close their eyes and turn on a flashlight and shine it into one of the eyes, which is the red and black of the person, and what they see is the message.

  2. i like to climb trees. print it out for everyone.

  3. a sheet of red paint with shapes.

ins: johnnie1900008

是非牌 Off-card


Hip Fosse Push Team (Rilling, Mau Mau, Chen Rhyme) ‍




The relationship between red and black is not only “with”, but also “with or without”.

A card game that tests your reflexes and logic





While trying to keep the number of black and red squares the same, the black and red squares are arranged to swap positions to show the text. I focused my attention during the drawing process to realize the mathematical nature of the weaving logic. The pixelated style of the weaving pattern thus composed also allows the text to be blurred and become a more patterned decoration.





From trying to challenge the casinos through algorithms to finally succumbing to luck. The editor-in-chief of Icosahedron, who was addicted to gambling, almost didn’t get to send out the mailbag years ago.





The first thing that came to mind when I was looking at the title Red and Black was the AC Milan uniforms, my club’s home team, but at the moment when I really had to start working on it, being addicted to gambling, red and black were the colors of poker for me. We played derby many times over the months, testing/gaming/heartbeat/upper-brain, which I’ve heard is similar to falling in love. I wrote a skit-style script for this issue and had a chance to film it, but filming is still going to be harder than we thought it was going to be.




题图和绝大多数照片 by脑八

其他照片 by作者本人or何珊