Related Publication: Tactile Communications — from analog to digital

A two and a half month tactile online learning program jointly initiated by Icosa magazine and the tactile creative art collective “tactileye”. Thirty-eight researchers and creators from different fields will discuss, share and create around a topic each week. How can a tactile event be online? Continuing the methodology of “independent learning of materials - instant & asynchronous sharing - online group sharing on Sunday”, we added the dimension of play and creation under the framework of research, hoping to balance the mind, body, and brain, and also to facilitate intimate collaboration. The workshop is as accessible as possible, and after trying out many platforms, we chose to organize it in the form of a language bird + zoom. On this BBS-like platform, the research creators record all the creation process and research results very carefully. We also hope that others can be inspired by the open source process.




工作坊尽力做到无障碍,尝试了非常多平台之后,选择了语雀+zoom的组织方式。 在这个类BBS平台上,研究创作者非常仔细的记录所有的创作过程和研究结果。我们亦希望其他人可以在这些开源的创作过程中获取灵感。