

每一个项目都是花一段时间做一个集体研究或创作,然后通过出版物的方式和更多人分享研究及创作。研究及相关出版物的主题涵盖:埃舍尔及镶嵌画、法国文学团体乌力波、Whole earth Catalog 及嬉皮士运动、触、扑克骰子游戏系统、材料游戏…… 每一个项目根据话题的特殊性,参与者从10人到100人不等。大部分的协作都是线上的,我们根据话题来选择合适的协作平台,这个研究和创作的内容都尽量是在尊重每一个参与者意愿的前提下开源的。

我们分享的不是作为“结果”的知识,而是由好奇心和创作的渴望推动的探求过程。我们想要推动一种alternative way of 知识的产生、以及基于信任和鼓励,而非评价与竞争的研究和创作环境。

Icosa Magazine is an independent research & independent publication group that brings together a group of artists and researchers concerned with math and art. Each project is a collective research or creation that takes a period of time to do, and then the research and creation is shared with a wider audience through publications. Topics of research and related publications range from Escher and mosaics, the French literary group Oulipo, the Whole earth Catalog and the hippy movement, touch, poker dice gaming systems, and material games … Each project ranges from 10 to 100 participants, depending on the specificity of the topic. Most of the collaborations are online, we choose the right collaboration platform according to the topic, and this research and creation is as open source as possible respecting the wishes of each participant and his process is visible.

We want to promote an alternative way of knowledge generation, and a research and creation environment based on trust and encouragement rather than evaluation and competition.

出版物 Publications

🌟1 Map is not the territory - echoes from the 1960s

🌟2 Tactile Communications — from analog to digital

🌟3 In Spring the Wind Passing By Plays the Harmonica For Me - 25 games from the ARTIFICIAL NATURE Game Jam

🌟4 M.C. Escher and visual math magic

🌟5 Oulipo and generative literature

邮包 Mail Pack

📮地图 Map

📮红与黑 Black and Red

工作坊 Workshop

🌲1 Returning to the WEC

🌲2 Touching and Imagining

🌲3 Artificial Nature Game Jam

🌲4 Machine’s Heart

活动 Activity

🍊 红与黑,扑克夜 Red and Black - Poker Night